Odessa – December 16 (for Odessa, Nikolaev, Kherson regions);

The corresponding letter was signed by Deputy Minister Yuri Rashkevich.

In particular, the department draws attention to the fact that according to the conditions of admission to higher education, the applicant must have an identity document.

At the same time, only persons who will turn 14 after May 1, 2018 will be able to use the birth certificate.

“Ordering and making a passport takes some time. Therefore, we ask you to explain to persons who plan to continue their education in 2018 in institutions of higher and vocational (vocational) education, and have not yet received identity documents, the need for their pre-order, «- said the Ministry of Education.

As you know, it is also necessary to have a passport for all graduates of educational institutions, who this year will pass the state final certification in the form of external evaluation or be tested for admission to higher education institutions.

Registration of the participant for passing of external assessment assumes obligatory existence of the passport of the citizen of Ukraine. This year, the rule, which provided for the possibility of providing a copy of the birth certificate instead of a copy of the passport for registration for participation in the external evaluation of persons under 16 years of age, was abolished.

conditions of admissionintroductory campaign


Changes in the Conditions of admission to higher educational institutions of Ukraine have been published

Changes in the conditions of admission to universities have been approved

The Ministry of Education approved changes in the Conditions of admission to higher education institutions of Ukraine in 2017.

The document, in particular, expanded the list of persons who are provided with special conditions for higher education by state order and at the expense of targeted soft loans, as well as transfer to vacancies of state or regional orders (paragraph 5 of section IV of the Admission Conditions).

In addition, the requirements for entrants to the medical specialties «Dentistry», «Medicine», «Pharmacy, Industrial Pharmacy» and «Pediatrics» have been strengthened, who must now submit EIT certificates with a score of at least 150 points in each competitive subject.

Applicants when enrolling in the contract after the deadline for acceptance of documents will be able to change the specialty to another within one university, provided that the competitive subjects and the availability of licensed places.

Conscripts from the temporarily occupied territories and ORDLO may not submit a military ID or registration certificate upon admission. Previously, this applied only to those who acted under a simplified procedure.

It is stipulated that for citizens of Ukraine who in the year of admission graduated from a general educational institution abroad, admission to exams is allowed instead of external evaluation certificates.

The document updates the regulatory framework for full or partial exemption from external evaluation for health reasons.

Also, the changes stipulate that higher education institutions must establish counseling centers at admissions committees to assist applicants in submitting applications in electronic form. Applicants will be able to apply to the counseling centers of any higher education institution in order to create an electronic cabinet, submit an application in electronic form, a certificate, etc.

The changes also provide for other features of the admission campaign to higher education institutions in the country in 2017.


universities of Ukraineconditions of admissionintroductory campaign


Conditions are mandatory for educational institutions, regardless of ownership and subordination

The Terms of Admission of Junior Specialists have been approved

The Ministry of Education and Science has approved the Conditions of admission to study to obtain the educational and qualification level of a junior specialist in 2017. The corresponding order was signed by the Minister of Education Lilia Grinevich. The document passed the state registration procedure at the Ministry of Justice.

Conditions are mandatory for educational institutions regardless of the form of ownership and subordination, except for military educational institutions.

According to the document, competitive selection to obtain the educational and qualification level of a junior specialist in 2017 will be based on the results of entrance exams.

For admission on the basis of basic general secondary education, the entrance exam will take the form of entrance exams, creative competitions or an interview.

Applicants who will enter on the basis of a complete general secondary education will be enrolled based on the results of external examinations, creative competitions, entrance exams or interviews. In 2017, the external evaluation certificates of 2016 and 2017 will be accepted.

Those entrants who will enter the training to obtain the educational and qualification level of a junior specialist on the basis of the educational and qualification level of a skilled worker, will pass the entrance exams.

Acceptance of applications and documents from applicants will begin on July 1 and will last until 18.00 on July 14.

Entrance exams, creative competitions and interviews will be held from July 15 to July 22.

The ranking list of entrants who will apply on the basis of entrance examinations, indicating the recommended for enrollment will be published no later than 12.00 on July 24. At the same time, applicants will receive information about whether or not they have the right to receive the educational qualification level of a junior specialist in state or regional orders.

Enrollment of students by state or regional orders will take place no later than 12.00 on July 31. Contractors will be enrolled no later than August 30, 2017.

For entrants who will enter the training to obtain the educational qualification level of a junior specialist on the basis of complete general secondary education in the full-time form of education, the introductory campaign will begin at other times.

In particular, registration of electronic offices of entrants, downloads of applications to documents on secondary education will begin on June 29 and will end at 18.00 on July 25.

Medical examinations and other pre-tender procedures, if it is determined by the special conditions of competitive selection established by the legislation for the corresponding competitive offers, will be carried out till July 11. Applications and documents will be accepted on July 12.

Acceptance of applications and documents from applicants coming on the basis of interviews, entrance exams or creative competitions will end at 18.00 on August 1.

Applications and documents from applicants received only on the basis of external independent evaluation certificates will be accepted on August 8.

Creative competitions will take place from July 28 to August 7, entrance exams from August 2 to 7, and interviews from August 2 to 4.

The lists of persons recommended for enrollment based on the results of the interview will be made public no later than 12.00 on August 5.

The ranking list of entrants who will apply on the basis of certificates of external independent assessment, creative competitions and entrance exams will be published no later than 12.00 on August 9.

Applicants who receive recommendations must meet the requirements for enrollment in the state or regional order by 12.00 on August 12.

Enrollment of entrants for state or regional orders will take place no later than 12.00 on August 14. Enrollment of entrants who will study at the expense of individuals or legal entities – no later than September 30.

The conditions of admission to study to obtain the educational and qualification level of a junior specialist in 2017 determine other features of the recruitment of applicants in 2017.

TERMS OF ADMISSION of junior specialists – 2017

introductory campaignconditions of admission


The decision to set a threshold for certain specialties has been postponed until 2018

The Ministry of Education has abolished the threshold for medical schools

The Ministry of Education approved changes in the Conditions of Admission to Higher Education Institutions of Ukraine in 2017, according to which the norm on the minimum number of points in each competitive subject for certain specialties in the field of knowledge «Health» was removed.

The Ministry of Education notes that the relevant changes will take effect on July 7, 2017.

«The decision to introduce a minimum number of points in each competitive subject for certain specialties in the field of knowledge 22» Health «has been postponed until the development of conditions for admission to higher education in 2018,» the Ministry of Education and Science said …

introductory campaignconditions of admissionuniversities of Ukraine


The secretaries of the admissions committees and the administrators of EGEBO will take part in the events

The Ministry of Education and Science will hold seminars on the introductory campaign

The Ministry of Education and Science will hold a series of regional meetings-seminars on the organization of the 2020 introductory campaign. The relevant order was signed by the Minister of Education and Science.

The event will be attended by vice-rectors of universities, executive secretaries of admission commissions and administrators of the Unified State Electronic Database on Education.

Meetings will be held in 6 cities from 9 to 17 December.

It buy compare and contrast essay cheap is planned that during the meetings the representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science will explain the main provisions and changes in the Terms of Admission for 2020, as well as answer questions about the introductory campaign next year.

Schedule of seminars on the introductory campaign

Kyiv – December 9 (for the city of Kyiv, Kyiv, Zhytomyr, Chernihiv, Cherkasy, Vinnytsia regions); Dnipro – December 10 (for Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhia, Kirovohrad, Donetsk (south) regions); Poltava – December 12 (for Kharkiv, Sumy, Poltava, Luhansk, Donetsk (north) regions); Chernivtsi – December 12 (for Ivano-Frankivsk, Chernivtsi, Khmelnytsky regions); Odessa – December 16 (for Odessa, Nikolaev, Kherson regions); Lviv – December 17 (for Lviv, Zakarpattia, Ternopil, Volyn, Rivne regions).