The role of a language teacher in the modern humanitarian space
Leading Russian and Vietnamese Russian language teachers, heads of Vietnamese Russian studies centers, representatives of government bodies and organizations in the field of education, culture, science, political and public figures, diplomats, writers, journalists, employees of Russian institutions carrying out humanitarian activities in Vietnam will take part in the events. …
Russian Education Minister Olga Vasilyeva greeted the participants of the XIII Russian World Assembly, reports the Russkiy Mir portal.
The event takes place in Yaroslavl. The message of the head of the department from the stage of the Volkov what is a hero visual essay Russian State Academic Drama Theater was read by the director of the Department of International Cooperation and Public Relations of the Ministry of Education of Russia Andrei Emelyanov.
“The Russian language … is a unifying principle and value for everyone who relates themselves to the culture and historical traditions of Russia,” reads the welcoming message.
The minister especially noted the work of the Russkiy Mir Foundation, «whose actions in promoting Russian-language educational and cultural programs in the world space can hardly be overestimated.»
Vasilyeva said that over the years the Russian World Assembly “has become a place where public figures, scientists, writers, journalists and teachers conduct a broad international dialogue on the most important issues of world politics. The preservation of historical memory, the popularization and dissemination of the Russian language, the development of the Russian education system are topics that attract special attention and interest of the guests of the event. «
On November 5, at the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, within the framework of the II Congress of the Society of Russian Literature, the All-Russian Congress of Teachers and Teachers of the Russian Language and Literature opened, the press service of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation reports.
The plenary session was attended by the Minister of Education of the Russian Federation Olga Vasilieva.
In her speech, the minister noted that it is the Russian language, literature, history that form a person’s personality.
Vasilyeva recalled that the Ministry of Education of Russia has developed a new procedure for the formation of a federal list of textbooks, in addition, the update of federal state educational standards for primary general and basic general education is nearing completion.
«A significant difference between the updated FSES and the existing ones is the detailing by years of study of all subject results, mastering all academic subjects, which, of course, include the Russian language, literary reading and literature,» said Vasilyeva.
The head of the Russian Ministry of Education also drew attention to the fact that since 2015 Russia has been holding the All-Russian Essay Competition, which is designed to revive the traditions of writing creative works.
“The All-Russian Essay Competition is a very important topic for us. On November 1st, we honored the 2019 winners. These guys have wonderful works, every year we publish collections with the texts of the winners of the competition. And we can safely say that Russian philology has a future! » – said Vasilyeva.
She noted that work to promote the Russian language abroad is also acquiring a systemic character.
“It is very important that we have continuous grant support to organizations that deal with this issue. These can be schools and NGOs, ”the minister said.
Vasilyeva clarified that for two years now, Russian teachers, within the framework of a humanitarian project of the Federation Council and the Ministry of Education of Russia, have been teaching various subjects in schools of the Republic of Tajikistan in Russian. She informed that the project will expand to other countries.
“The success of this project was noted by both sides, we are glad that in the final works, which the students take, a high level of proficiency in the Russian language was demonstrated,” concluded the Minister of Education.
The All-Russian Congress of Teachers and Teachers of the Russian Language and Literature is being held on November 5-7 at the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov in the framework of the II Congress of the Society of Russian Literature (November 5-6).
The main directions of the Congress:
– Russian literature in the system of humanitarian knowledge. The Russian language is a repository of spiritual values, the basis of civil identity, an object of national security. Russian language and culture of speech.
– The role of a language teacher in the modern humanitarian space. Professional portrait of a modern teacher. Continuous philological education. Teacher – student – parents.
– Modern approaches and technologies of teaching literature. New federal state educational standards and exemplary basic educational programs. New generation textbooks. Educational-methodical complexes on the Russian language and literature in schools with a non-Russian language of instruction.
– Psychological and pedagogical problems of preschool, school and university education. Formation of the reading culture of modern youth. Russian language in a foreign school.
– The role of museums and libraries in the formation of a modern socio-cultural environment.
The event is attended by teachers, methodologists, teachers of additional education, teachers of the Russian language and literature of higher educational institutions; representatives of educational authorities, heads of educational institutions; employees of museums and libraries, representatives of publishing houses.
Now children from Mongolia will be able to go to the children’s camp «Artek», having won the television competition «We will go to» Artek! «, Held in Russian.
Since 2019, the competition has become the main mechanism for selecting Mongolian children for a trip to Artek, according to the press service of the Artek ICC.
Children from Mongolia aged 11 to 17, inclusive, can compete for a ticket to Artek. The content of the competition consists of competitions on knowledge of the Russian language, culture and history. 800 children and 100 teachers have already taken part in the first stage of the competition.
Competition programs are drawn up in three categories: for children who study Russian as a foreign language, according to an in-depth program, as well as for Mongolian children studying in Russian schools.
The children who won the competition will take part in the educational programs of Artek this year. They will be accompanied by teachers of the Russian language – teachers from Mongolia, for whom this will become an opportunity to strengthen their competencies in the Russian-speaking environment. So, in 2019, two delegations from Mongolia will come to Artek – 25 children in total.
As the executive director of the NGO Children of Mongolia Batchimeg Sharhuu said, the Russian-language competition «We will go to Artek!» in Mongolia is a landmark event and is traditionally very popular: “The best students fought for a prestigious award – a ticket to Artek, the entire Mongolia followed the competitive selection. More than 30 years later, the competition has returned to the screens of central television! Eight episodes have already been recorded, screenings are scheduled for May. «
The organizers of the competition are the ICC «Artek», the NGO «Children of Mongolia» with the support of the Russian Center for Science and Culture in Ulan Bator, the Mongolian National Public Radio and Television, the Russian Embassy in Mongolia, the Coordinating Council of Organizations of Russian Compatriots in Mongolia, the Ministry of Education, Culture , Science and Sports of Mongolia, the Department of Education of Ulan Bator and the Departments of Education and Culture of the aimags of Mongolia.
Children’s camp «Artek» begins work in Mongolia
Moreover, a camp will be opened in Mongolia, which will work according to the programs of the Russian Artek. The Mongolian Artek project envisages holding two summer sessions on the basis of the Artek educational programs on the basis of the first Mongolian children’s camp «Buyant», which will take into account the peculiarities of the educational calendar of Mongolia, the press service of the Artek ICC reports.
For an effective start of the camp in Mongolia, the parties will exchange specialists: 4 counselors from Mongolia will be trained at Artek, which, in turn, will send a Russian team of 10 employees to Buyant.
As the head of the Artek ICC Konstantin Fedorenko noted, the agreements with the Mongolian delegation are one of the first projects of international cooperation in the history of modern Artek, as well as an opportunity to gain experience, create a working technology, a model that can be broadcast to other states.
April 30 – May 3, 2019 in the city of Nur-Sultan, Republic of Kazakhstan, one of the largest events in the world scientific community will be held – the XIV Congress of the International Association of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature (MAPRYAL). The theme of the congress this year will be «The Russian word in a multilingual world.»