Author: Petrenko Natalia Mikhailovna Position: primary school teacher.
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▶ We learn to play roles. Rhetoric lesson for 1st grade▶ How to psychologically prepare for exams. (Russian language)▶ Fixing the letter «C with». The text «Winter». Literacy lesson for 1st grade▶ M. Glinskaya «Bread». Russian reading lesson for 2nd grade. (Russian language)
March 29, 2012
In the article on the stated topic in the form of a media presentation, the author emphasizes that the state of fear can be kept under control and get rid of it quickly enough, turning this state into a state of exaltation, which can become an ally at this crucial moment. |
How to psychologically prepare for exams. (Russian language) Kb)File format: .zipRate the publication
Author: Serova Ella Petrovna Position: teacher of electrical engineering.
The material is posted as part of the Forum of pedagogical ideas «LESSON»
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▶ Take care of your health: benefits or harms of chips and crackers. Project from the course «Fundamentals of Health» for 4th grade▶ We learn to play roles. Rhetoric lesson for 1st grade▶ I will be a friend of nature. Dmitry Pavlichko. «Bird». «Dream». Reading lesson for elementary school▶ Fixing the letter «C with». The text «Winter». Literacy lesson for 1st grade
March 29, 2012
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Development of a lesson of fine arts in the 1st grade on the declared theme, the purpose of which is to consolidate the concepts of «decorative drawing», «element», «ornament»; teach students to find the correct arrangement of elements to create a linear pattern |
The concept of pattern and ornament (at the elementary level). Simplification of flora forms during ornament creation. «Ukrainian pysanka» Kb)File format: .zipRate the publication
Author: Krulikovskaya Lilia Nikolaevna Position: primary school teacher.
The material is posted as part of the Forum of pedagogical ideas «LESSON»
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▶ Work with natural material▶ Combined works. Designing the simplest products, toys with the help of previously mastered technologies. Practical work: making a toy «Nut shuttle»▶ It is very difficult in the world to live without an orphan▶ Exercises and tasks for mastering multiplication and division tables
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Development of a music lesson in the form of a game on the stated topic, the purpose of which is to expand students’ understanding of various vocal exercises-settings; to form practical skills of reading and writing notes, rhythmic drawing; identify and realize the expressive possibilities of dynamics in music; determine the role of melody in the art of music |
Adventures in the country of Songs
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Author: Oliynyk Anzhelika Borysivna Position: teacher of musical art.
The material is posted as part of the Forum of pedagogical ideas «LESSON»
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▶ Measures of mass. Gram. Hundredweight. Problem solving▶ Generalization of the studied noun▶ Test of knowledge and skills. Repetition and systematization of knowledge▶ Graphic editor
Development of a music art lesson on the stated topic in the 3rd grade, the purpose of which is to reveal the content of the master class by performing a set of interactive exercises; to spread teachers’ awareness of innovative technologies of music teaching |
Two-part structure (form) of music
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Author: Belyavska Olena Oleksiivna Position: music teacher.
The material is posted as part of the Forum of pedagogical ideas «LESSON»
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▶ Addition and subtraction of the form 12 + 1, 13-1. Comparison of numbers and units of length. Problem solving▶ Bunny house▶ Road signs. Groups of road signs▶ The sound [a] and the letter a to denote it. The sound [o] and the letter o to denote it
Development of a lesson of fine arts on the stated topic in the 2nd grade, the purpose of which is to acquaint students with the concepts of «sculpture» as a form of fine art and «sculptor»; the main features and materials used by sculptors |
Elementary concepts of sculpture. Creation of the sculpture «Forester-magician» from natural materials
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Author: Mudryk Oleksandra Ivanivna Position: primary school teacher.
The material is posted as part of the Forum of pedagogical ideas «LESSON»
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▶ There is no easy bread. Belarusian folk tale «Light Bread»▶ Test your knowledge. Generalization and systematization of students’ knowledge of natural numbers within 10. What is the importance of nature for life▶ Finding the subject by its serial number. The number is within eight▶ Formation of skills of a healthy way of life of younger schoolboys by use of technology of critical thinking good personal narrative topics
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Development of a music art lesson on the stated topic in the 4th grade, the purpose of which is to form a value attitude to art; to develop love and interest in Ukrainian music and song; to form in children the ability to perceive music as an expressive art |
The music of my people
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Author: Simonenko Natalia Vladimirovna Position: music teacher.
The material is posted as part of the Forum of pedagogical ideas «LESSON»
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▶ Sound [h], its designation by the letter «che». Sound-letter analysis of words▶ Prefix. Word-forming role of prefixes▶ Character traits of a person depicting music▶ Travel to the country of Knowledge
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Development of a lesson of fine arts in the 3rd grade on the stated topic with multimedia support (presentation attached), the purpose of which is to continue to acquaint with the proportions of the human figure; provide information on the rules of modeling a moving human figure; consolidate knowledge about sculpture as a form of fine art |
The figure of a man in motion. Winter entertainment for children Kb)File format: .zipRate the publication
Author: Petrenko Natalia Mikhailovna Position: primary school teacher.
The material is posted as part of the Forum of pedagogical ideas «LESSON»
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▶ Birthday▶ Final lesson on the topic «Verb»▶ Eugene Gutsalo. Break the wing▶ Consolidation and generalization of knowledge about the adjective
Development of a lesson of fine arts in the 4th grade with a media presentation (attached), the purpose of which is to systematize students’ ideas about winter; in the conversation about winter to draw children’s attention to how artists in their works depicted the winter landscape and its elements |
A winter fairy tale. Color as a means of expressing mood in nature. Transfer of depth of space. Execution of a winter landscape composition Kb)File format: .zipRate the publication
Author: Melnytska Natalia Vasylivna Position: primary school teacher.
The material is posted as part of the Forum of pedagogical ideas «LESSON»
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▶ Description text. We speak beautifully. Oral work «Invisible walks through the grove, undresses all the trees»▶ Fix multiplication and division tables. Insect life in spring (bee). (Russian language)▶ Composition of the number 8. Compilation and solution of addition examples. (Russian language)▶ Reservoirs of Ukraine. (Russian language)
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Development of a lesson of fine arts in the 2nd grade on the stated topic, the purpose of which is to learn to work with paints; develop the ability to think creatively, create something new and see the beautiful in ordinary things; to bring up accuracy, mutual assistance |
Composition «Golden Autumn». (Russian language)
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Author: Turta Nadiya Vladimirovna Position: teacher of fine arts.
The material is posted as part of the Forum of pedagogical ideas «LESSON»
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▶ In the circus▶ Numbering of numbers from 21 to 100. Writing numbers. Reading the numbers written in the bit table. Comparison of numbers. Solving problems▶ Animal environment.