Gorras de las fuerzas armadas de Israel o tipo souvenir
Showing all 10 results
Gorra Israel Air Force (Fuerza Aerea Israel) color verde militar
Wear this khaki colored cap and show your enthusiasm for the exploits of the young pilots in the Israeli army Air Force. Their motto, “After me – to the Air Force!” declares their pride in their accomplishments. Your cap links you to them.
Gorra Israel Air Force (Fuerza Aerea Israel) color azul
Its cool! Its comfortable! It helps connect you to the brave pilots of the Israeli Air Force. Their emblem is in the center and over it is the Air Force slogan, “Achrei Le’tayas,” – the best ones become pilots!
Gorra Souvenir de Jerusalem con emblema de Menorah Knesset
Wear your heart on your head with this delightful white cotton summer cap, proudly displaying, in a distinguished gold color, a striking image of Israel’s national emblem – the seven branch Menorah enclosed in olive branches.
Gorra Souvenir de Jerusalem color negra
The perfect baseball cap to wear when touring Israel or relaxing at home. Embroidered images of Jerusalem at the front of the cap will keep memories fresh. a great gift that is sure to please.
Gorra Navy IDF Seals (Fuerzas Navales Israel) color blanco
Wear this baseball cap to tell the world you know all about the IDF's fighting units. It pays tribute to the brave soldiers serving in its Navy Commando Unit. Their emblem features a bat, knife, and grenade – symbols of strength and courage.
Gorra Fuerzas Especiales "Duvdevan" color verde militar
If you have a secret ambition to become an undercover agent, operating in enemy territory, start by wearing this baseball cap displaying "Duvdevan," the nickname of this revered army unit in bold Hebrew letters together with its emblem. It is called duvdevan - cherry - because this is the best
Gorra Israel Fuerzas del Golan (Frontera Norte) color azul marino
Go for it! A cool and comfortable cap declaring support for the Golani Forces - one of Zahal’s crack fighting forces with a symbolic olive tree as its emblem. The words Golani Sheli – My Golani - express your care and concern for every soldier on the unit.
Gorra Israel Fuerzas del Golan (Frontera Norte) color negra
Here’s an army cap - cool and comfortable on your head and uplifting on your heart! “Golani Sheli” it declares – My Golani; the crack fighting unit that all the boys want to join. Its olive tree emblem symbolizes its deep roots in the land they are defending.
Gorra ZAHAL (Fuerzas de Defensa de Israel) color camuflaje
A great gift to give you a head start – a camouflage cap with Zahal – Israeli Army – written on the front! Cool and comfortable, you will enjoy wearing it and basking in the glory of the army of Israel.
Gorra Navy IDF Seals (Fuerzas Navales Israel) color azul
Wear this baseball cap to tell the world you know all about the IDF's fighting units. It pays tribute to the brave soldiers serving in its Navy Commando Unit. Their emblem features a bat, knife, and grenade – symbols of strength and courage.